Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 27 - A Song That I Wish I Could Play

There a good few songs I wish I could play. Actually, I would be happy just being able to play Mary Had  A Little Lamb with both hands on the piano! I blame my horrible piano teacher for that! She would sit next to me with a pencil in her hand and every time I touched the wrong note, she'd whack me hard on the knuckles with it. I became so scared, my fingers learnt a stutter all of their own and there went the piano lessons right down the drain.

I wish I could play the drums like Phil Collins in In The Air Tonight and I wish i could play the piano like David Helfgott. But most of all I wish I could play the guitar like Gary Moore does in Parisienne Walkways. What a genius of a musician. He'll be missed by many.

Gary Moore 4 April 1952 - 6 February 2011


  1. I agree with you about Gary Moore. The guy could make a guitar 'sing' in his hands.

    The clip you've posted is amazing. It's incredible to see a crowd sit quietly listening to a solo of that length, and then at the end of it, instead of cheering, they quietly applauded, just like an audience of a classical recital. It seemed that each and every one of them was clearly moved by the performance.

    Good one Nicola.

  2. Imagining the stutter of your fingers. What a funny description. Fortunately Mr Moore did not suffer from that. My favourite guitar player was in Bruce Springsteen's band.
